DATE AND TIME: 12.45pm – 1.45pm, Friday 3 July 2020
VENUE: Video Conference
CONTACT: ALAA Administrator, admin@alaa.asn.au
The prior notice of the 75th Annual General Meeting of 3 July 2020 is withdrawn. The extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 virus situation has required the cancellation of the ALAA Annual Conference intended to be held in Sydney 2-4 July 2020.
It is therefore not prudent to convene a physical meeting and the Association is adopting the alternative provisions of allowing the use of technology to be utilized. Currently the ALAA Constitution does not provide for such an arrangement. It is intended therefore that the meeting validate the adoption of this alternative method of communication for the conduct of the Annual General Meeting at the opening of the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that 75th Annual General Meeting of the Australasian Law Academics Association will be held on Friday 3 July 2020 at 12.45 pm (AEST) by video conference.
The intention is that members of the ALAA Executive will meet by video conference to conduct the Annual General Meeting. Association members are requested to facilitate these arrangement by giving notice of their attendance by prior email to admin@alaa.asn.au.
It is also confirmed that the normal arrangements for the election of Office Bearers on General Executive and New Zealand Executive and the ongoing 2020-2021 Conference Committee will be communicated to ALAA members in due course in accordance with the Constitution.
Emeritus Professor David Barker AM
29 May 2020