Clause 3 of the ALAA Constitution states:
3. Membership shall be open to, by invitation or application:
a. all Deans and teachers of law in tertiary institutions and in Practical Legal Training Courses in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands;
b. all schools and faculties (however described) within tertiary institutions and Practical Legal Training Courses in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands employing teachers of law;
c. all law librarians in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands who are graduates in law or permanently in charge of a law library in a tertiary institution;
d. all persons who have duties or interests which are relevant to legal education in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands;
e. such persons as may, subject to any direction given by a General Meeting, be admitted by the General Executive;
f. such persons who have given distinguished service to the Association or legal education as may be elected as honorary life members at an Annual General Meeting.
Join Us Today
Free of Charge
To apply for individual membership or update your contact details, click below. If you are an existing member of ALTA, please use the 'Sign Up' option and enter your email address and a new password.
All new members - including existing ALTA members renewing their membership - will then be sent a form requesting their current details: institution, position, and choice of Interest Group.
*Registration fees for the 2021 ALAA Conference have been reduced for all registrants to take account of financial constraints being experienced across the sector as a result of COVID-19
$2,000.00 per year
All Australasian law schools are invited to join ALAA as institutional members in return for an annual membership fee of $2000. The benefits of institutional membership include acknowledgement on the ALAA website, in ALAA publications (if any) and at ALAA events; complimentary hard copies of the ALAA publications; and discounted registration fees for the ALAA conference for all staff.
Click below to email the Association and commence the process, or to ask any questions you might have about the benefits of institutional membership.